Applications of HEA
HEA data has a range of applications and can be used in many different settings. FEG’s expert staff can tailor the methodology for a range of purposes and to answer diverse research and programming needs. There are also over 350 HEA baselines available for parts of Africa, Asia, Latin and South America, which provide a significant existing resource for applications of HEA, such as cash transfer programming, program design and measuring resilience.
Based on HEA data, the ‘household livelihoods resilience score’ is a quantified measure that allows us to compare resilience across different socio-economic groups and geographic areas, and to evaluate the impact of different projects on household resilience.
Early Warning
HEA provides a predictive analysis of food security and can therefore be used in famine early warning.
Impact Evaluation
HEA can be used to measure program impact, to understand how shocks might interfere with reaching program targets, and to model the effects of different intervention packages over time.
Climate Change
FEG has a comparative advantage in looking ahead at the future effects of climate change on households with its pioneering use of livelihood impact modeling for early warning purposes.
Nutrition & Cost of Diet
HEA can inform an understanding of the nutritional situation of a population and be used in conjunction with the Cost of Diet method.
Urban Economies
The practitioners in FEG have successfully piloted new approaches to urban assessments in Haiti, Peru, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Somaliland, Angola, Palestine, Kenya, Serbia and Kosovo.
The members of FEG have extensive experience in analyzing the effects of conflict on livelihoods, having conducted work in Angola, the Balkans, Ethiopia, Eritrea, the DRC, northern Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Somalia, southern Sudan, Sierra Leone, the West Bank, and Zimbabwe.
Market Analysis
Poor households are increasingly dependent on markets to secure basic services and goods, and to obtain the cash they need to buy them. Gone are the days of pure subsistence livelihoods; and so, a livelihoods analysis that ignores the market has little value in today’s world.
Program Design
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