FEG has been providing technical support to Save the Children UK since 2011 on a regional Household Economy Analysis capacity-building project in the Sahel funded by the Humanitarian Aid department of the European Commission (ECHO). The objective is to build and strengthen the capacity of Sahelian food security and nutrition stakeholders to integrate HEA in food security and nutrition analysis in order to reduce child acute malnutrition.

The current results of the project are:

• A pool of 32 HEA experts from the Sahel region trained and certified.
• HEA baseline studies carried out in 8 food economy zones of Burkina Faso, Chad, Senegal, Mali and Niger.
• Regional stakeholders determine effective strategies to support very poor households and prevent malnutrition through a better understanding of the factors influencing food and nutrition insecurity.

FEG’s contribution to this project includes:
• Identifying and securing consultants/trainers to carry out a series of capacity building workshops;
• Developing and delivering a training package on HEA to include a training of trainers component;
• Developing and delivering a training package on outcome analysis and seasonal assessments;
• Facilitate field assessments after the training in food economy zones in Senegal.
• Facilitate a technical workshop to summarise the findings of the 8 HEA studies.
• Determine other capacity building needs and design training based on assessment of trainee capacities.
• Co produce an advocacy paper on the use of HEA in national early warning systems.
• Provide technical support to the development and publication of a summary report of the main findings of the 8 HEA studies.
• Provide accreditation of the training programme and evaluate and certify the 32 trainees.
• Facilitate at the final dissemination workshop.

See the HEA Sahel Atlas

To learn more, please visit Sahel HEA