FEG offers training in all HEA tools and products, from baseline training for people doing HEA for the first time to those requiring a training of trainers. To find out more please click on the type of training you require.
1. Baseline fieldwork training
Purpose | To prepare field team members to undertake a baseline assessment. |
Content | Introduction to the HEA framework and field methodology. Includes class-work and field practice. |
Timing | Before undertaking baseline fieldwork. |
Duration | 21 days (5 days’ training, 12 days’ fieldwork, 4 days’ data entry and analysis). |
3. Scenario (outcome) analysis training
Purpose | To develop an understanding of how the baselines can be combined with existing monitoring data to project deficits and estimate beneficiary numbers, and food and non-food assistance requirements. |
Content | Introduction to scenario (outcome) analysis, calculation of food and expenditure deficits and analysis of food and non-food needs; coping strategies analysis (expandability); detailed training on problem specification; scenario analysis practice using pencil and paper, single zone and integrated spreadsheets. |
Timing | Once a first round of fieldwork had been completed. |
Duration | 5 days. |
5. Livelihoods monitoring training for District Officials
Purpose | To familiarize district staff with the HEA approach (particularly the livelihood zones and key parameters for their district); to train district staff in how to complete the key parameter monitoring formats. |
Content | Introduction to the HEA framework; introduction to baselines and livelihood zone profiles for the region; introduction to scenario (outcome) analysis (pencil and paper); detailed training on problem specification; compilation and analysis of monitoring data (using prepared formats); identification of key parameters for future monitoring. |
Timing | Once field work completed & before the first seasonal assessment using HEA. |
Duration | 2 days. |
7. Livelihoods Integrated Analysis Spreadsheet (LIAS) set-up training
Purpose | To train participants in setting up a LIAS from scratch (when a new set of baselines have been completed). |
Content | Overview of LIAS set-up (reading in baseline data, adding population data, tailoring the LIAS template to local circumstances); LIAS design; analysis of population data for LIAS set-up; checking and organising baseline data for LIAS set-up. |
Timing | At any time – in-depth training for experienced HEA practitioners. Requires excellent Excel skills. |
Duration | 3-5 days. |
2. Baseline analysis training
Purpose | To train promising field team members to become team leaders. |
Content | Analysis of field data to prepare baselines; tailoring baseline storage sheets to specific field situations; preparation of livelihood profiles. |
Timing | Once field work completed. |
Duration | 1-2 days. |
4. Seasonal assessment training
Purpose | To prepare team leaders to undertake a seasonal assessment. The scenario (outcome) analysis training focuses on the methods and tools that are used to analyze outcome. The seasonal assessment training focuses on process, i.e. what exactly will be done during an upcoming seasonal assessment, when and by whom. |
Content | Introduction to the HEA framework; introduction to baselines completed for the region; introduction to tools for outcome analysis (single zone and integrated spreadsheets); detailed training on problem specification & compilation of monitoring data; combination of classroom and field work (mainly visiting district offices to collect monitoring data). |
Timing | 2-3 weeks before a seasonal assessment. |
Duration | 2 days. |
6. Livelihoods Integrated Analysis Spreadsheet Training (LIAS)
Purpose | To provide in-depth training in use of the LIAS for scenario (outcome) analysis and scenario development. |
Content | LIAS data entry; details of problem specification for crops, livestock and prices (sheets C, L and M); checking data and dealing with outliers and missing values; defining the problem specifications for food and income sources for which there is no monitoring data; interpreting results (sheet R); analysis by season (sheet S); interpreting the graphs (sheet G); updating the LIAS for next year’s analysis and changes in administrative boundaries. |
Timing | At any time – in-depth training for experienced HEA practitioners. |
Duration | 3 days. |
8. Training of trainers
FEG offers a training of trainers in all types of training listed.