
Stephen Anderson
Stephen Anderson specializes in poverty analysis and supporting policy and institutional reform processes. He is an experienced analyst and facilitator of complex reform processes. He has in depth experience and has conceptualized, designed, reviewed and evaluated both donor and government policies, strategies, and programs. He has a proven track record working in complex environments and assisting multiple stakeholders in negotiating practical and actionable outcomes.

Tanya Boudreau
Tanya Boudreau has twenty years of experience in livelihoods analysis and food security. She brings a unique perspective gained from a combination of extensive field experience and headquarter-level advising. Tanya has particular strengths in disaster risk reduction and early warning systems. She currently works on using HEA to measure resilience and to analyze changes in livelihoods over time.

Stephen Browne
Stephen is a versatile food security and livelihoods specialist with almost 20 years of experience working in over 25 different countries across East and Southern Africa, the Middle East, Central and South Asia, and Central and South America. Stephen’s professional portfolio consists of leading HEA field assessments, building technical capacity in HEA, and conducting scenario-based analyses. He recently served as technical lead to USAID’s Famine Early Warning Systems Network’s Livelihoods Sector. Stephen is American, speaks English and Spanish fluently, and is proficient in Portuguese.

Jennifer Bush
Jennifer Bush is a gender specialist with 30 years of experience in livelihood analysis and early warning. She is an experienced HEA practitioner as well as HEA trainer in livelihood baselines, outcome analysis, setting up HEA analytical tools, and uploading data. Ms. Bush has strong analytical skills and has created added value to standard HEA baselines with her work in Minimum Expenditure Baskets, and child and gender sensitive HEA.

Julius Holt
Julius Holt is a food security expert with over 35 years of experience in livelihood assessment methods, famine early warning, poverty analysis and policy development, nutritional surveillance, and the uses and abuses of food aid. His extensive experience makes him particularly adept at comparative analyses. He is the technical leader for livelihood zoning work. Julius speaks English, French and Amharic.

Alexandra King
Alexandra King is a livelihoods and food security consultant with over twenty years of experience conducting HEA assessments and scenario analyses, in training others to use this methodology, and in managing food security-related projects. She has worked throughout Africa and Asia, and has a particular strength in training others to use HEA.

Gavriel Langford
Gavriel Langford is an applied field researcher with 20 years of experience in investigative analysis of household economics, livelihood systems and rural water supply. He has worked in development and crisis contexts, in both rural and urban parts of Asia and Africa. He is committed to participatory appraisal methods at all stages of the project cycle from assessments, baselines and context analyses, through to evaluations. Gavriel speaks English and Indonesian.

Mark Lawrence
Mark Lawrence is a PhD nutritionist with over 35 years of experience in the design and management of quantitative and qualitative food security assessments and famine early warning information systems. He leads on the development of all quantitative HEA tools, including the Livelihoods Integrated Analysis Spreadsheet, and on statistical analysis using HEA data. Mark speaks English and French.

Nora Lecumberri
Nora Lecumberri is a livelihoods and early warning specialist with ten years of experience conducting and supporting HEA analyses throughout Africa and Central and Latin America. She has particular expertise across the Sahel region and in urban livelihoods assessments. Nora speaks English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Daison Ngirazi
Daison Ngirazi is a livelihoods, and monitoring and evaluation specialist with over 10 years of experience. He specializes in using livelihoods-based analysis for program development, in impact monitoring and measurement and in designing early warning systems. He also has experience in programme implementation. Daison has worked throughout Asia and Africa and speaks English and Shona.

David de Wild
David de Wild has a PhD in economics and a background in international and development economics and empirical economic research. He has over 10 years of experience in humanitarian programming. David leads household economy and market analysis, conducts assessments and trainings, and develops analytical tools. He speaks English, French and German.

Kinfe Terefe
Kinfe Terefe Zeleke is a livelihoods and disaster risk management specialist with more than twelve years experience in this area. He has six years of experience in HEA, which includes leading livelihoods baseline assessments and outcome analyses in Ethiopia. Previously Kinfe worked for Farm Africa in Ethiopia and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). He holds an MSc in Agricultural Economics.

Chantal Toby
Associate and Operations Manager
Chantal Toby has experience as a project manager and researcher, with technical proficiency in gender, social protection and livelihood security. Chantal has an MSc in Development Studies and has worked in the Caribbean and Asia.

Anna Mays
Anna Mays is a livelihoods consultant with experience conducting food security and livelihood assessments throughout Africa, including assessing the impact of the Ebola epidemic on livelihoods in Western Sierra Leone. Previously she worked with the Hunger Reduction and Livelihoods Strengthening Team at Save the Children UK and Entrepreneurs for Social Change at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Anna is fluent in English and French. She is also an adjunct faculty in the Food Systems Department at Sterling College (USA).

Garba Noura
Garba Noura has ten years of practical field experience in conducting food security and livelihood assessments with a number of humanitarian organizations. He has led and been involved in HEA work in Niger, Nigeria, DRC, Mauritania, Senegal and Chad. Garba also worked as a coordinator for the Moderate Malnutrition Study-Cash Transfer in Agué Region of Niger for Save the Children UK and the Emergency Nutrition Network. He is fluent in French, English and Hausa.

Festus Pyoko
Festus Pyoko holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Disaster Mitigation and Sustainable Development. He has worked for Save the Children UK and gained important knowledge and skills in the area of humanitarian assistance and development through collaborations with Concern Kenya and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Carla Monteiro
Carla Monteiro is an agronomist and has ten years of experience in livelihoods analysis, working as an HEA practitioner and trainer. She specialises in socioeconomic analysis for disaster risk reduction. Carla has worked throughout Africa and also in Central America. She is fluent in Portuguese and English.