Our Work Worldwide
FEWS NET’s early warning work uses HEA to interpret how hazards impact livelihood patterns and show the risk of acute food insecurity at the household level. For nearly 20 years, the Food Economy Group has provided technical leadership in the application of HEA to...
HEA & Safety Net Design in Somalia
FEG conducted a safety net design analysis for the Somali Cash Consortium through Concern Worldwide in late 2018. The aim of the study was to use existing household economy analysis (HEA) data to help in the design of a scalable cash-transfer-based safety net program...
Ethiopia HEA Project
FEG has been providing technical support in Household Economy Analysis to the national early warning system in Ethiopia since 2016 through the HEA Project, funded by USAID and implemented by Save the Children. HEA baselines for 175 livelihood zones have been updated...
Economics of Resilience to Drought
FEG modelled household chronic and emergency needs using HEA over a 10-year period (2008-18) for a project looking at the economics of resilience to drought and cost-benefit analysis of interventions in Mauritania for the World Bank. Seven out of nine rural livelihood...
HEA and measuring economic impact of COVID-19
FEG set up and ran spreadsheet tools in March-October 2020 for HEA Outcome Analysis of the economic impact of Covid-19 lockdown for: FEWS NET in Southern, West and East Africa; Save the Children in Nepal and West Africa; FSD in Kenya; and Oxfam in El Salvador. The new...
HEA and Social Protection
Save the Children commissioned an historical HEA analysis in Niger to explore whether it is possible to use existing HEA data to contribute to the design of an adaptive and shock responsive social protection programme. The analysis modelled the seasonal...
HEA baseline in urban Beirut, Lebanon
FEG provided technical support for Save the Children to conduct an HEA baseline for its project locations in metropolitan Beirut. The aim of this baseline work was to help understand wealth and socio-economic dynamics, inform thresholds for ‘cash plus’ programming,...
HEA baselines in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
FEG led HEA baselines and current year outcome analysis in five livelihood zones in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia for Wahana Visi Indonesia (World Vision Indonesia), Plan International, Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik (Save the Children Indonesia) and Yayasan Fondasi Hidup...
Madagascar baselines for FbF mechanism
Welthungerhilfe and the Start Network tested its first pilot project in Forecast-based Financing in Madagascar. The objective was to develop a drought model connected to a trigger-based financing mechanism for local early-action interventions. HEA baselines conducted...
Guatemala baseline and MEB analysis
Save the Children commissioned FEG to lead a baseline assessment in the western highlands of Guatemala, in the departments of Huehuetenango and Quiché. The area, known as the Dry Corridor, has been affected by the El Niño for a number of consecutive years, causing...
El Salvador baselines and PCMA
Oxfam commissioned FEG to lead a baseline assessment in El Salvador to provide recommendations for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and resilience interventions in drought prone areas. FEG led field teams and produced HEA baselines for two rural livelihood zones. The...
HEA & Minimum Expenditure Baskets
FEG carried out research and analysis for Save the Children to answer questions about the effect of poverty on children in its programme areas, and, specifically, to what extent minimum standards of wellbeing are affordable to the poor. The initial study by FEG was...
HEA and the Living Wage
FEG prepared a guidance document and webinar to inform practitioners in the Living Income Community of Practice and ISEAL about HEA and the MEB, and how the HEA framework offers an effective analytical tool to assess a living wage.
HEA Certification and Save the Children’s Sahel Project
FEG designed a certification scheme as part of a multi-country capacity building effort across the HEA Sahel project area. The certification scheme standardises the qualifications required to achieve different HEA skill levels as a practitioner, trainer or trainer of...
Child-sensitive HEA baselines
Standard HEA baselines in Yobe State, northern Nigeria and Zambia were expanded to include data on children’s contribution to the household economy. The child sensitive HEA quantified income earned by children and examined household expenditure on children’s basic...
HEA animation
Watch our HEA animation here. It provides an introduction to HEA and shows how it can be used by policymakers and programmers.
Refugee camp in Uganda helps local households to cope
The arrival of thousands of South Sudanese refugees in northern Uganda prompted DanChurchAid (DCA) and Save the Children to investigate the impact of the BidiBidi refugee camp on the local economy of households in Yumbe District. In February 2017, FEG provided...
Impact of aid on Syrian refugees in Lebanon
At the end of 2016, FEG investigated the impact of integrated aid (including cash transfers) on the household economies of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The study focused on severely vulnerable households living in two contrasting areas, the Beka’a Valley (a rural zone)...
Understanding how the vanilla industry affects poor households in Madagascar
As the world’s primary vanilla-producing country, the lives of thousands of impoverished and even landless households in Madagascar depend on this lucrative cash crop. FEG was commissioned by Save the Children to help it understand how the vanilla industry impacts the...
Households struggling to survive in south-eastern Pakistan
Faced with both flooding and drought in successive years, the population of Sindh province in south-eastern Pakistan is highly vulnerable to shocks and extremely food insecure. Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe implement a programme in Sindh which aims to increase...
Understanding livelihoods in Kasai Occidental, Democratic Rebublic of Congo
Following a nutrition crisis in Kalomba health zone in Kasai Occidental Province, Action Against Hunger (ACF) commissioned FEG to carry out an HEA baseline assessment to help develop its food security and livelihoods policy. FEG started by dividing the 1,600 square...
Using HEA data to plan a cash transfer scheme in Mozambique
In response to the predicted failure of rains due to the sustained effects of El Niño across Southern Africa in 2015-16, Save the Children commissioned FEG to assess the needs of households in Gaza province, southern Mozambique, one of the most vulnerable and food...
Why might increasing dairy production decrease resilience?
To find out why, watch FEG's new presentation about how HEA data can be used to provided a quantitative and comparative measure of economic resilience at the household level.
Countrywide baselines in Tanzania, Malawi & Angola
FEG is providing technical support to the Southern Africa Development Community’s (SADC) Regional Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis (RVAA) Programme to ensure the completion of country-wide, high quality HEA livelihood baselines in Tanzania, Malawi and Angola....
Measuring post-typhoon recovery in the Philippines
FEG conducted a rapid HEA in the Philippines to measure the extent to which households had been able to recover their livelihoods one year after Typhoon Yolanda. Save the Children International commissioned the work for use in its advocacy programme, and the results...
Using HEA to inform resilience programming in urban Peru
In 2015 FEG carried out three household economy analysis (HEA) baselines in Peru for Practical Action, to develop the livelihoods component of its flood resilience programming. The assessments took place in the urban areas of the Rio Rimac watershed just east of Lima...
Monitoring and Impact Evaluation in Sri Lanka
FEG provided study design, training, analysis and report writing expertise to two Individual Household Economy Assessments (IHEAs) in 2008 and 2010 for Save the Children in Sri Lanka. The first IHEA provided a pre-implementation baseline against which to monitor and...
Building HEA Capacity Throughout the Sahel
FEG provides technical support to Save the Children UK on a regional Household Economy Analysis capacity-building project in the Sahel funded by the Humanitarian Aid department of the European Commission (ECHO).
Informing Program Design in Myanmar
Save the Children, working in partnership with IRC, Oxfam and Better Life Organisation, commissioned FEG to lead a field exercise in Rakhine State, Myanmar. This was one of the first views into how people in this part of Myanmar make ends meet, and FEG's work...