by Gavriel Langford | Jun 20, 2021 | Africa, Asia, Central America, Food Security, Scenario Analysis
FEWS NET’s early warning work uses HEA to interpret how hazards impact livelihood patterns and show the risk of acute food insecurity at the household level. For nearly 20 years, the Food Economy Group has provided technical leadership in the application of HEA to...
by Gavriel Langford | Jun 20, 2021 | Africa, Cash transfer, Safety Net, Social Protection
FEG conducted a safety net design analysis for the Somali Cash Consortium through Concern Worldwide in late 2018. The aim of the study was to use existing household economy analysis (HEA) data to help in the design of a scalable cash-transfer-based safety net program...
by Gavriel Langford | Jun 20, 2021 | Africa, Baseline, Food Security
FEG has been providing technical support in Household Economy Analysis to the national early warning system in Ethiopia since 2016 through the HEA Project, funded by USAID and implemented by Save the Children. HEA baselines for 175 livelihood zones have been updated...
by Gavriel Langford | Jun 20, 2021 | Africa, Resilience, Scenario Analysis
FEG modelled household chronic and emergency needs using HEA over a 10-year period (2008-18) for a project looking at the economics of resilience to drought and cost-benefit analysis of interventions in Mauritania for the World Bank. Seven out of nine rural livelihood...
by Gavriel Langford | Jun 20, 2021 | Africa, Asia, Central America, COVID-19, Scenario Analysis
FEG set up and ran spreadsheet tools in March-October 2020 for HEA Outcome Analysis of the economic impact of Covid-19 lockdown for: FEWS NET in Southern, West and East Africa; Save the Children in Nepal and West Africa; FSD in Kenya; and Oxfam in El Salvador. The new...
by Gavriel Langford | Jun 20, 2021 | Africa, Cash transfer, Social Protection
Save the Children commissioned an historical HEA analysis in Niger to explore whether it is possible to use existing HEA data to contribute to the design of an adaptive and shock responsive social protection programme. The analysis modelled the seasonal...