Household Economy Analysis
Household Economy Analysis (HEA) is a unique livelihoods-based framework designed to provide a clear and accurate representation of the inside workings of household livelihoods systems at different levels of a wealth continuum, and the connections between these livelihoods and the wider economy. HEA translates these complicated systems into readily accessible information for donors, policy makers, program managers and planners to help them: understand household constraints and opportunities in the short and longer term; design appropriate projects to meet a range of objectives; and measure the real impact of a program or policy in livelihood terms.
Find out more about the development of HEA here or read our reports on HEA and using HEA data here.
HEA Services
Below is a list of the basic HEA Services we provide, which can be applied for a number of purposes. FEG’s expert staff can tailor its assessment methodology to meet a wide range of objectives in both emergency and development contexts.
Baseline Assessment
The standard HEA assessment for any setting (rural, urban etc). It entails quantified analysis of sources of food and income, and of expenditure for households in (normally) four wealth groups.
Rapid HEA
Rapid HEA is suitable in situations when a full HEA assessment is not possible and information is needed quickly, for example after a rapid-onset emergency. It is not a substitute for a full baseline and has its own set of limitations.
Individual Household Economy Analysis (IHEA) is suitable for assessments where a random sample and statistical analysis of HEA data are required.
Livelihood Zoning
Livelihood zoning provides an overview of different livelihood patterns across a large area, such as an entire country or region.
Scenario Analysis
HEA scenario or outcome analysis is used to project how households are likely to be affected by a defined shock (e.g. a drought) and to quantify the level of any deficit they may face.
FEG offers training in all HEA tools and products from baseline training for people doing HEA for the first time to those requiring a training of trainers.