In response to the predicted failure of rains due to the sustained effects of El Niño across Southern Africa in 2015-16, Save the Children commissioned FEG to assess the needs of households in Gaza province, southern Mozambique, one of the most vulnerable and food insecure parts of the country. FEG carried out a rapid HEA assessment and trained Save the Children staff in HEA data collection and the use of its new tablet software. During the field process, both reference year and current year data were collected, in order to establish a baseline for livelihoods in a normal year and to understand the impact of this year’s drought on these livelihoods. FEG used this data to set up a Livelihoods Integrated Analysis Spreadsheet (LIAS) to carry out scenario analysis; this produced a projection for the number of affected households in the zone, the total number of beneficiaries, and the extent of the deficit they are likely to face. Save the Children used the results to design and implement a cash transfer scheme, to help beneficiaries to meet their immediate needs, and to ensure that markets, which play a critical role in sustaining households’ livelihoods, continue to function.